Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting Big!

I plunked him down in his carseat. No relaxing here! I think he's officially outgrown it!
So Cute!
I've been squishing him into the 6 month clothes, assuming 9mo. would still be too big for him. My sister gave him this adorable onesie - in a 9mo. size. Fits him well! Time to get out all those "big" clothes for the little guy!!

Mermaid Tale

The Sunday before we left for Canada, Kenna came into our room and woke us up, excited about her early morning craft. She climbed up on the bed and explained this to us:
"It's Ariel. These are her swimming fins. And these are her boops (emphatic hand gestures), you know, shells. And her hair"
We just stared at each other and stifled our giggles. After she left the room, we busted out laughing (ha! no pun intended).
This was her failed 1st attempt, she told us. It looks like maybe the "shells" weren't working out so well. LOL!

School Starts!

Well, we've entered into the world of home schooling! We'll see how this adventure goes, and perhaps monthly I will try to update with what we're doing. We have successfully completed day 2!

Kenna, Brooks and Jack all "do school" at their various levels of competency, and Sonny and Grey take their morning naps! (Jack is 3, Sonny is 8 months -they are not related - their parents are school teachers, so I have them every day from about 7:45 to 4:00. I had Jack last year, but this is the first time for Sonny - his parents were in a bit of a bind to find someone to watch him, and I think it will work out fine - so far so good!). It's been fun so far, of course the novelty has not yet worn off:-)

This is what I set out ahead of time. We are working out the kinks these first few days. So far, it hasn't taken quite as long, and we've been done by 10:45
I'm using a variety of things - Hooked on Phonics, A Beka, and various library/"home made" things for some of the social studies things etc.

Their cubbies. Brooks is blue, Jack is green. They will be keeping everything in there they need. Jack is potty training, so he has some undies stacked up - just in case:-)
Playing a colour game, where I name a colour, and they have to find the colour and draw something that is that colour. Of course Jack and Brooks do "scraggles" (Brooks' term), but Kenna is getting good with drawing various objects
We are learning about calendars and birthdays this month. We made Happy Birth Day cards for our new cousin!

Kenna's writing practice!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our new cousin!

My brother Jared and his wife Liana welcomed their first little baby on August 24th.

Vienna Eden was 6lbs 4oz and 20.5ins long. She was in breach and had to be taken by c-section, but Mom and baby are doing well. We are so excited for them!
I see a lot of Liana/Otkiditschev in her, at this point anyway. They do change so fast in the first few weeks
What a sweet little girl. We can't wait to meet her. Congrats to the new Mom & Dad!

Waterloo Park

Tatum (my 1st cousin) & Kenna, playing Barbies
Brooks and Holden (my 1st cousin). Holden is nine months older than Kenna, but he's very tall!
Chantelle (sis-in-law), Beccy (mom), Caralyn (aunt) and Me! - for those that know our true heights, note that we were on a pretty steep hill, and I was at the top :-)
Ever seen one of these? Ontario is home to the black squirrel. They are my fave colour, for a squirrel:-)
We met up with a friend and my aunt at the park. Kenna and Jeremiah were holding hands:-)
Intending to take a pic of the goat...but my camera focused on the fence instead. I rarely get such artistic shots on my simple little camera, so I thought I would post it!
Feeding a maple leaf to a goat - against the signs that said "don't feed the animals" :-)
After my Aunt and 2 of her kids left for home, we visited the petting zoo and got this pic! Lauren used to be in our homeschooling group growing up, and I used to babysit her! Now she has 3 kids, Will, Jeremiah and Naomi. It was great to reconnect for an afternoon, and the kids had a blast!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tasty Canadian Culture

Milk comes in bags. Love it. Oh yes, and whole milk is called Homo Milk. I'll wait while you stop giggling. That one never seems to get old, for Americans. (That and the pronunciation of Regina). Seriously people, grow up...it's homogenized, that's why. And no, I'm not kidding :-)

It's not Mac 'n Cheese in Canada, it's Kraft Dinner. It's an identical product, just branded differently. The kids thought it was funny to call it Kraft Dinner when it was just Mac & Cheese:-)
Oreos are made by Mr. Christie...and they have Fudgee-O's (YUM!). Peak Freans, Dare...the U.S. doesn't know what it's missing!!
Eating one of Mommy's faves, Vachon's Ah Caramel. The most delicious little chocolate covered cake with icing and caramel inside
They loved Tim Hortons! Look at all the choices!
Our final selections. Notice my little Ice Cap in the back there? They are soooo good...even better than a Starbuck Frappucino (the flavour and oh-so-creamy). I miss Timmy's!

Random Fun

Lake Ontario. I love the great lakes, we got to see Ontario and Erie through the window. Maybe next time we'll be able to have a beach day!

We borrowed a jumpy that hangs in the door. An added element of fun for the baby...jumping AND spinning!

My brother Brent, and his wife Chantelle, and their son Marshall came to visit from Alberta too. Brent only stayed for the weekend, and Chantelle and Marshall were there the whole week.
We had a ladies day out. Lunch at Cora's, then shopping (Grandma went home after lunch to rest). My Grandma is beside my mom, and my Great Aunt Elinore is beside Kenna. The boys did a guys day, with Brooks, Marshall, Brent, Grandpa and Great Uncle Ken.
He finds a guitar wherever he goes!
This trip really wore them out!
The kids in their Great Great Aunt Ellie's very large and very impressive vegetable garden


While in Kitchener, we stayed with an old friend. Brian and I used to work with Debi, when we worked/lived in Chicago, and she married Ben...who, as it turns out, is my 5th cousin. So funny. Anyway, it was really great to reconnect, it's been years (like 9 or so), since we've seen each other. They were awesome hosts to put us up, and have us coming and going and pulling out all the toys at any (and every) hour. We had a good time, and I was very grateful to have a place for the kids to be themselves instead of always being hush hush quiet at Grandma's house.
He loves the jumperoo!
So cute!
I really have no idea what happened to Brooks' shirt at this particular moment. ?. Anyway, my kids, Brent's son, Marshall, and Debi's kids, Carter and Larissa. Quite the crew!
Brooks loved Larissa!

Love those kids!

Pretty girl

Grandparents Etc

This is farmhouse where my Grandma, and her sister, were raised. We ate dinner each night with my Great Aunt Elinore (my Grandma's sister), she did an amazing job of keeping us fed!
The barn and silo. It's looking really good, the current owners have done a lot of improvements it looks like
Kenna and her Great Grandma
Brooks and his Great Grandpa
Visiting my Grandpa's brother, Eldie & his wife Shirley...they are the kids Great-Great Uncle & Aunt!
Grandma is currently undergoing treatment for cancer
Grey really liked her! And Kenna thought it was neat that my Grandma also had a son named Gregory. My Uncle Greg was killed in an industrial accident when he was 18 years old. I was only 18 months old at the time.
With the great grandkids!
Add Marshall in there! This was the day after Vienna was born, so we are missing two great granddaughters from this pic (Mattea & Vienna)
A four generation picture
Grandpa with all his great grandsons (EDIT - All the grandsons from my mom's branch of the family - Jackson, my cousins little boy would have made it ALL the great grandsons)
My mom with baby Grey.
Mom with all the grandchildren that were there that day