Friday, August 29, 2008
New Blog Skin
So, what do you think? I have been looking for something I like for awhile this a winner or should I keep looking?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Daddy Loves Mommy & Little Bird
Yesterday we were all hanging out on the couch together and Brian said to Kenna "Do you know who Daddy's favourite person is?". She didn't skip a beat and said "Josh Simmons", who is a friend from church. We both cracked up laughing!
Today I wanted to capture the pigtail look, hard to do with this girl...almost got it, Thanks A Lot Brooksie!

Big Bird Story - Tonight on the way to church I brought along her Big Bird sippy cup. She was talking about the cup, "Oh it's a bird..." which started her off on her whole spiel about birds eat poison berries. Not kids. Not Kenna. Only birds. Dey like dem. Dey like poison berries. And on and on it goes. Then she says "Whats the birds name?" It's Big Bird. "No no what's his NAME" It's Big Bird, that's his name, remember from the show? She asked a few more times about his NAME, then she had a minor freak out. For those of you that know her and the way she talks, she just starts rambling on and on, very fast and very expressively. Usually you cannot tell what she is trying to say, but today she was clear as a bell. "But MOM, Daddy is bigger and Mommy is bigger and Kenna and Brooksie is bigger and uh-zhee-body is bigger and Daddy and Mommy!" I told her she was right...he was pretty little on her cup, so maybe his name could be Little Bird. That made her pretty happy:-)
No, look at me, not the sky!

Again, having a hard time looking at the camera for more than a second.
Today I wanted to capture the pigtail look, hard to do with this girl...almost got it, Thanks A Lot Brooksie!
Big Bird Story - Tonight on the way to church I brought along her Big Bird sippy cup. She was talking about the cup, "Oh it's a bird..." which started her off on her whole spiel about birds eat poison berries. Not kids. Not Kenna. Only birds. Dey like dem. Dey like poison berries. And on and on it goes. Then she says "Whats the birds name?" It's Big Bird. "No no what's his NAME" It's Big Bird, that's his name, remember from the show? She asked a few more times about his NAME, then she had a minor freak out. For those of you that know her and the way she talks, she just starts rambling on and on, very fast and very expressively. Usually you cannot tell what she is trying to say, but today she was clear as a bell. "But MOM, Daddy is bigger and Mommy is bigger and Kenna and Brooksie is bigger and uh-zhee-body is bigger and Daddy and Mommy!" I told her she was right...he was pretty little on her cup, so maybe his name could be Little Bird. That made her pretty happy:-)
No, look at me, not the sky!
Again, having a hard time looking at the camera for more than a second.
Some unpacking!
The kitchen is still getting there...we still have no overhead lighting in there, so lamps are needed at I reorganized some cabinets and did lots more washing. Amazing how that dust gets everywhere!

What you see now when you come in the door, a little different than before. (See the paint chips on the wall? We have narrowed down our choices! Brian has never really been a fan of our livingroom, dubbed "the peanut butter cave", even though I love the colour. Lighter we will go!)

The green oversized rocker (matching the couch) is in the office now. Brian really likes this corner empty now. We do feel a lot more spacious instead of having things jammed into every nook and cranny.

So, it's getting there!
What you see now when you come in the door, a little different than before. (See the paint chips on the wall? We have narrowed down our choices! Brian has never really been a fan of our livingroom, dubbed "the peanut butter cave", even though I love the colour. Lighter we will go!)
The green oversized rocker (matching the couch) is in the office now. Brian really likes this corner empty now. We do feel a lot more spacious instead of having things jammed into every nook and cranny.
So, it's getting there!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Beach Babies
We went to the beach today and had lots of fun! Kenna is such a water baby, wanting to go further and further out to get the big waves. Brooks was a little scared by the whole thing and didn't want the water to touch was really his first time at the beach since he's been walking and stuff, and he was very cautious. We tried to bury Kenna in the sand and she hated it, but Brooks loved it! So between the two of them, they love the sand and surf. I asked Kenna what she liked best about the beach, and she said "My favourite part is da water!" Brian had the day off today, and I know now why I don't try to take the two of them alone. Kenna requires attention so she doesn't get swept off and you leave Brooks for one moment and he is off jibbering at sun-bathers. His impressive vocabulary today was "juice juice juice" to everyone he saw. Not to mention the stroller weighs a thousand pounds when trying to drag it through the sand:-( We had a very happy family day!
Buried alive!

Kenna and I, waiting for a wave to come in so we could jump over it!
Buried alive!
Kenna and I, waiting for a wave to come in so we could jump over it!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Laundry Lessons (From the Fair)
I would title this post "A Lesson in Gratefulness", but it's a little long...
As some of you know, or may not know, I was Miss Markham Fair 2001. It was quite a neat experience! I should write more about that later, but one of the many prizes I received for winning was a Markham Fair Cookbook, a compilation of winning recipes throughout the years. I love it! Well this 'recipe' is in the book, in the "Other" category. I came across it today while looking for a banana bread recipe. I think I am going to frame it and hang it in my laundry room! I am SO glad laundry does not involve any of this...not only do you have to wash clothes but clean the porch and do the flowers too. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
Most of my 'good' pictures are packed up to protect them from all the dust around here, all I have is a little album of candid shots from the Fair.
Me, in 2002 competing at the Canadian National Exhibition to be Queen of the CNE I think. I can't really remember as I did not want to win that one.

Me, with Princesses Natalie and Andrea...Waiting for paratroopers to come into sight.

The Fair took place a couple weeks after Sept 11/01. There was a big military 'touch and see' area, which they don't normally have. There were also paratroopers that came in and landed in front of us. Lots of cool things, I will have to revive my pictures and post about it sometime.
As some of you know, or may not know, I was Miss Markham Fair 2001. It was quite a neat experience! I should write more about that later, but one of the many prizes I received for winning was a Markham Fair Cookbook, a compilation of winning recipes throughout the years. I love it! Well this 'recipe' is in the book, in the "Other" category. I came across it today while looking for a banana bread recipe. I think I am going to frame it and hang it in my laundry room! I am SO glad laundry does not involve any of this...not only do you have to wash clothes but clean the porch and do the flowers too. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
Recipe for Washing Clothes
Author - unknown Submitted by Doris Thomas
Author - unknown Submitted by Doris Thomas
Given by a mother years ago to her daughter when she married.
1. Build a fire in the back yard to heat kettle of rain water
2. Set tubs so the wind won't blow smoke in your eyes
3. Shave one cake lye soap in the boiling water
4. Sort things - make three piles - one pile white, one pile coloured, one pile work
5. Stir flour in cold water to smooth, then thin down with boiling water
6. Rub dirty spots on board, scrub, then boil
7. Take white things out of kettle with broom handle - then rinse
8. Spread towels on the grass
9. Hang old rags on the fence
10. Pour rinse water on flower beds
11. Scrub porch with hot soapy water
12. Turn tubs upside down
13. Go put on a clean dress, comb your hair, brew a cup of tea - sit down and rock a spell and count your blessings
2. Set tubs so the wind won't blow smoke in your eyes
3. Shave one cake lye soap in the boiling water
4. Sort things - make three piles - one pile white, one pile coloured, one pile work
5. Stir flour in cold water to smooth, then thin down with boiling water
6. Rub dirty spots on board, scrub, then boil
7. Take white things out of kettle with broom handle - then rinse
8. Spread towels on the grass
9. Hang old rags on the fence
10. Pour rinse water on flower beds
11. Scrub porch with hot soapy water
12. Turn tubs upside down
13. Go put on a clean dress, comb your hair, brew a cup of tea - sit down and rock a spell and count your blessings
Most of my 'good' pictures are packed up to protect them from all the dust around here, all I have is a little album of candid shots from the Fair.
Me, in 2002 competing at the Canadian National Exhibition to be Queen of the CNE I think. I can't really remember as I did not want to win that one.

Me, with Princesses Natalie and Andrea...Waiting for paratroopers to come into sight.

The Fair took place a couple weeks after Sept 11/01. There was a big military 'touch and see' area, which they don't normally have. There were also paratroopers that came in and landed in front of us. Lots of cool things, I will have to revive my pictures and post about it sometime.

Foto Flashback
These are from my cell phone. This was Kenna in April at church helping clean up after evening service. We currently meet in a "Gymatorium" while the new sanctuary is being built. Every Sunday night we have to tear down all the chairs in prep for Awana's on Wednesday evenings. Anyway, she thought the pylon made a great hat!

From December...he was only 8 months old. Cutie.

From December...he was only 8 months old. Cutie.

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Little Peacekeeper...?
Two days ago, while still at our friends place I was trying to get lunch on the table, after running errands and Brooks was quite beside himself. He cannot seem to wait more than 1 minute for food or for a nap before going berserk. I had Kenna at the table, and Brooks was in the livingroom whining/screaming/complaining, refusing to come when called to the table. I called him for the second time, and was met with his "wahhhh".
Kenna shouts/screams out from her seat "Brook-LYN, stop freakin' out!! Brook-LYN come to MOMMY!!"
I just laughed (to myself), as I have never heard her call him Brooklyn before...I didn't really even realize she knew that was his real name (he's usually Brookson or Brooksie Carson James to her). That and the "freaking out" bit, I just thought it was so funny. Lunch was eaten and we were down for naps in record time!
Kenna shouts/screams out from her seat "Brook-LYN, stop freakin' out!! Brook-LYN come to MOMMY!!"
I just laughed (to myself), as I have never heard her call him Brooklyn before...I didn't really even realize she knew that was his real name (he's usually Brookson or Brooksie Carson James to her). That and the "freaking out" bit, I just thought it was so funny. Lunch was eaten and we were down for naps in record time!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Here we are! Looks so good! We are very happy we decided to go with a darker stain. The floors are original and had some significant staining that wouldn't come out, so the darker colour masks that perfectly and blends it all into like brand new.
Getting ready by putting up a plastic "zipwall"

Finished kitchen! Light in there is poor so it's hard to get a great shot.

Used to be the den, now it's our bedroom...
Getting ready by putting up a plastic "zipwall"
Finished kitchen! Light in there is poor so it's hard to get a great shot.
Used to be the den, now it's our bedroom...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
News Update
We have been living at a friends place, while they are on vacation. Convenient! We are so grateful! This past Saturday our kitchen and office floors started getting sanded and stained to match the rest of the house. Brian did the floors in the bedrooms and the main living areas, but we are having the guy Brian subs out flooring jobs to to do the kitchen and den. We will be moving back in tomorrow, although still will not be able to walk on those floors for a few days while they cure. Now the bathroom is the only room in the entire house that has yet to be finished...still unsure of what we will do with that one. It's all a process. I am just longing for the day I can dust and set everything in it's proper place, for good! Should be all back to normal by the end of next week...hallelujah!
We have been loving the Olympics and watching all we can in the evenings...of the sports we care about anyway.
Pictures and posts to come when I get home and can upload my camera. Crazy summer days! I am looking forward to a break...a week with nothing to do...yah right, like that's ever going to happen:-)
We have been loving the Olympics and watching all we can in the evenings...of the sports we care about anyway.
Pictures and posts to come when I get home and can upload my camera. Crazy summer days! I am looking forward to a break...a week with nothing to do...yah right, like that's ever going to happen:-)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Deal Spotter: Scrapbooking
Some really great buys for those that make cards or scrapbook. I love to do this and am seriously considering signing up to be a Stampin' Up consultant...until then, I love getting good deals on supplies, paper, etc!
USA: Creative Memories clearance deals, some more than 50% off! (Shameless promotion) I have a friend who is a CM rep, so you can order through her site
Canada: Creative Memories clearance deals, some more than 50% off! (Another shameless promotion) If ordering in Canada, my Mom is a CM rep, so you can order from her site
USA: Creative Memories clearance deals, some more than 50% off! (Shameless promotion) I have a friend who is a CM rep, so you can order through her site
Canada: Creative Memories clearance deals, some more than 50% off! (Another shameless promotion) If ordering in Canada, my Mom is a CM rep, so you can order from her site
Our Home
We had some fun in the sprinkler today, despite Kenna's protests that the water was too cold. She loves to play in her back-ard.

Some snotty, slobbery fun

Being bossy to her brother

Kenna served up some "lunch" by way of plastic fruit on a tray. The game quickly turned to the much more fun fruit spitting game. They think it is so funny to blow the fruit out of your mouth and see how it "flies".

Brooks, spitting his pear...hasn't hit the ground yet...I like the shadow. He claps for himself when he does something great, like spitting plastic fruit. Too cute.
Some snotty, slobbery fun
Being bossy to her brother
Kenna served up some "lunch" by way of plastic fruit on a tray. The game quickly turned to the much more fun fruit spitting game. They think it is so funny to blow the fruit out of your mouth and see how it "flies".
Brooks, spitting his pear...hasn't hit the ground yet...I like the shadow. He claps for himself when he does something great, like spitting plastic fruit. Too cute.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Deal Spotter: Canadian Intro
I would like to post as often as possible about any great deals I come across. This may very well only apply to those living in my area, as most sales are regional, but I would love to post deals that others can use for stores in their areas if I am made aware of them. I check out other money saving blogs but none of them ever post deals for Canada, I have noticed a few blog readers comments about finding deals in Canada, so as I can, I would like to try and post a few things that would help out (since Canadians are near and dear to my heart:-). As far as I am aware there seem to be much better deals and coupons in the US chain stores, but we will see what we can find online...we might all be wishing we lived in Canada!
I came across this site: Frugal Shopper Canada and it seemed to have a few useful links, below are a few I thought were especially notable.
Sign your kids up and they get a free slice of pizza on their birthday at Pizza Pizza
Printable coupons for Superstores in Western Canada
Printable coupons for Masters Choice Brand, from A&P, Dominion or Ultra Food & Drug
M&M Meats 10% off coupon for new email subscribers
I came across this site: Frugal Shopper Canada and it seemed to have a few useful links, below are a few I thought were especially notable.
Sign your kids up and they get a free slice of pizza on their birthday at Pizza Pizza
Printable coupons for Superstores in Western Canada
Printable coupons for Masters Choice Brand, from A&P, Dominion or Ultra Food & Drug
M&M Meats 10% off coupon for new email subscribers
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