Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School & Lip Singing - Video

We started school yesterday, officially. I plan to spend a week on reading and math review before we push ahead, but today, we did squeeze in a little history (Our America) and science (Apologea's Zoology). They, of course, are loving it so far! We'll see how long before the novelty wears off:-)
Grey and Sonny "do" (read: scribble in) little preschool books from the dollar store:-). May and Ardyn nap and play, respectively, while we get book work done.

Brooks starting out with Explode the Code

Reading review for Kenna

Don't even ask me where they heard about this, lol. Lip synching, or "singing" as they call it. Hilarious. They had a whole stand-on-a-stool/dance-routine worked out. One of my fave parts is when Kenna's crazy dancing knocks Brooks off his perch:-)

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