Blogger has been acting weird, and I have not been able to upload pics for 2 days. So then I tried today using IE instead of Firefox, and I am able. Dunno. Discovered that the blog doesn't look as good on IE as it does on Firefox. Wish I was better at the technical stuff - but alas, just use Firefox, is the moral of that story.
I updated my header for a spring time feel, and took the pics myself of flowers in my yard! I was slightly impressed at my artistic photography skills:-) And my happy yellow door seemed to fit right in too!
So we had a busy day, baseball game this morning, and a birthday party this afternoon. It was a really cute Star Wars themed party, and the kids had so much fun! Lisa (the mom) made these Jedi robes for all the kids and everything.
My Jedi Knight |
Light sabre fights! |
Happy Birthday Buddy! |
Brian had to work today, and was up and out the door before 7am. He returned home while we were at the party - and took a nap. He wants to go hang out with friends tonight and watch the UFC fight on tv, which doesn't start until 11pm, or something. So a nap is necessary to facilitate that craziness. Instead of texting me, or setting his alarm - or leaving me a regular note - he left me a note he was for sure I'd find...on facebook. Haha!! Not even posted on my wall, just a note in the search box. Funny boy.
Love the new header! Also the note from Brian haha!