Saturday, November 1, 2008

Man Hunt

Last night, we had a Man Hunt at the mall with the youth group. It was so fun! This is the 'motley crew' of people in disguise. It was so perfect that it was Halloween because LOTS of people were dressed up...made it hard to spot them amongst all the other weirdness. Trick or treating at the mall is very popular for kids, and there are some adorable costumes out there. Kenna was funny, she really caught on to the trick or treat part and gathering candy from every store we passed. "But Mom, I don't have a basket!" she noticed that the other kids all had something to collect their loot and was feeling a little left out I guess. I had to explain we weren't really there for Halloween.

For those that know them L-R Tom, Chae, Ryan, Mary, Teresa, Dave, Dessi (Hillary Clinton!), Jason, Alyosha, Michelle, Amy...they were all very hard to spot.


  1. No way!!! I want to do a man hunt so bad! we were going to Organize one with our church, but we never did! Looks like way too much fun!

  2. nice! We did a man hunt back at GBC, when your parents led our youth group :-) So fun! -- Em
