Sunday, October 27, 2013

Kennedy Family Music

While some of my family was in town, I borrowed a guitar, so we could sing, of course! Here is a small sampling

Ok - In an unrelated incident to actually singing (potentially falling off a ladder, in fact), Lehman was affectionately dubbed "Sally Songbird" by our brother, Jared. Fitting, I thought:-) Well, Sally Songbird is a really great sport - and a super awesome soprano too! He's doing the hilarious high harmonies, and obliging his sisters by being goofy. We love him!

And this is Johnny Willow! A familiar Kennedy family classic.

Another war-time song, I don't even know the name of it - "We fired our guns and the British kept a'comin'". A very well loved song from when I was a kid.

I've posted the lyrics to this one here, and posted the video of my Dad singing it at my wedding, here. It was my favourite song growing up and always made me bawl. He has a great sad-voice for the story songs, for sure:-) Singing it for Kenna (and please excuse the make-less shots of me, ruining the whole thing:-)

Here's a song I grew up hearing - it's Big John

The Cup Song - we wore Lehman out in just one chorus:-)

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