I'm really late posting my favourite things from November! Yikes. Been way to busy lately! So here it is! Yearly pictures. Once a year, (usually around the fall/winter) seems to be perfect for me! Find a budding photographer near you and get a few pictures. You won't be disappointed. It's SOOO worth the money, and especially if you can find someone new to the biz with a fancy camera, it likely won't cost very much. If but if you live here, I know of two very affordable photographers I'd love to recommend.
From our picture session in 2007 with Chani Rogers, she is very laid back and easy to work with. Check out her site for pricing and some cute pics! |
From our photo session in 2008 with Kari Kennedy, my sister in law! At the time, she was just my brothers friend, and about to go to photography school |
Photo session 2008, with Kari Kennedy. Some gorgeous all time faves from that shoot. If you live in Alberta or Saskatchewan, check her out! |
I literally get these blown up bigger when I have a coupon, and put on canvas, when I can find a deal. They are always so gorgeous, you can't pick just one. They all tell the story of us. I wish I'd done this in 2003-2006 of just Brian and I before we had kids, but I didn't really think it was important at the time. How life changes!
Photo session 2010 with Ben & Joy Hallock. They don't have a site yet, but let me know if you want to contact them, and I'll pass on their info. Remarkable photographers, and great friends! |
If you've never had a professional shoot some pics of you...let me tell you, its worth every penny! I can't afford to pay "major league" prices, but by finding budding (but EXCELLENT) photographers, we keep the cost low, and still get the treasures that make my heart sing every time I see them. Since I can't take a decent pic to save my life, this is a "favourite thing" that will not go out any time soon...I'll be doing this forever!
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