Last night at dinner, while helping himself to some butter, Brian said,
"I like this butter dish. It reminds me of you"
I just started laughing...
"That's so funny, because it reminds me of you!"
We needed a new butter dish this fall - not urgently (hey. small plates work fine), but we were definitely in need of one, since ours got a big crack in it during the renovations/packup/unpack this summer. While browsing Pier 1 for fun, I stumbled across this lil beauty, on clearance. There are few things that catch my eye more than "fun" and "pretty" and "on sale". While not a drastic reduction in price ($9.99 from $12.99), I still just felt like it was calling my name, so I bought it.
I brought it home and, my natural exuberance over the adorable butter dish could not be contained.
"I have to show you what I bought!! It's the best ever!!! Hang on..."
By the levels of excitement, he is led to assume I've purchased a new tv, or car, or pony for the kids. But he should know better by now.
"Look! Isn't it adorable!, and it was even
on sale!!!"
He gives it a half heartedly delighted look and says "That won't fit butter"
Yes it will! It's a butter dish, it's made for
Sure enough, he's right. It doesn't fit butter. Butter here comes in half cup "sticks" and this dish lid is drastically too slanted to fit a butter stick. Golly! Who sells butter dishes that don't hold butter?! Now I'm feeling ripped off. Cheated even. $9.99 for a dish that won't hold butter! But it's so pretty and eclectic and goes so perfectly on my table...
I'm currently on the lookout for *the perfect* napkin holder. It's been a long, weary hunt. And given my spacial orientation deficiencies, here's hoping when I do find one, it actually holds napkins without having to origami them into half their size.