Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Party Theme

Kenna has been all but begging for the movie Wall-E for her birthday. I bought it for her awhile back, and it's actually been hard not to give it to her already! So here is my other brilliant Eve cake! She is such a simple shape, I think I can draw her, and even with my limited icing abilities, can pull off an all white "egg" with a black circle face and two blue eyes:-) All I have to do is get some black icing dye. I think I will make a soccer ball for Brooks' birthday, so I'll get some use out of the black! Of course I will take pictures of my (hopeful) masterpiece. I hope it turns out as well as I envision it...I have 2 weeks to plan it all out! Now for the real decisions...funfetti, marble, white or chocolate cake?

Chi Chi

Does this bear look familiar? If you are in my family it does! It's Charity, I bought her with my own money at The Bay when I was about 10 or 11 I think. She was SO soft and cute, and I just had to have her. She came with the name Charity Bear, and it stuck until Davis was old enough to talk and he dubbed her Chi Chi. Now Chi Chi is Brooks' favourite, he loves soft things and loves to cuddle. He drags her around when he's tired and loves to sleep with her. Here they are swinging in the "cloud" swing, in their bedroom.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Trying to fit in

Last night we had dinner with some friends. They have 2 little girls and tons of dress up and princess clothes. The girls came out to show us their outfits, and we were busy ooo-ing and aaah-ing over them. Then Brooks runs away and comes sneaking back into the room, like this:

(Brian's camera phone, so kinda fuzzy)
I was so impressed that he actually got it on his head all by himself! It was so cute. He had a purple stick and was using that as his wand. We all had a good laugh, and then we got him a cowboy hat and made a big deal about that for him. Poor boy. He needs some boy friends!

He's such a sweetie. My current fave is how he doesn't say r's at the end of a word. Rubber is rubbay, spider is spiday, sugar is sugay, water is wa-day, our last name is bo-day. Pretty cute! We are working to correct Kenna on saying "dat" or "dey" and pronouncing the "th", she can do it with help, so it won't be long before it's automatic. Brooks talks so well, and is so tall that I keep having to remind myself he's still only 1 years old. He does something and I'm thinking What on Earth!! Why would he DO THAT? But, he's still young, his size just throws me off. Last Sunday he announced his shoes were "too tight" and refused to walk in them. He stood in place and wouldn't budge. So he went to church in socks (they really were too tight:-/) and we got him some new shoes on Monday, size 7! The old ones were 5.5w, so no wonder he'd had enough of them! He hit a growth spurt in the past two weeks, and we have noticed how quickly he's grown. He and Kenna are now in the same shoe size, and she's only taller by a hair. He's gonna be a big boy, it seems.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Red Hair *with pics

A few weeks ago I dyed my hair auburn red! My inspiration was Agent Ranae Walker on the current season of 24. She has amazing dark red hair. This is the first time I have used "a box", and I am very happy with how it turned out. I used Revlon Colorist #55 (medium auburn).
These aren't the greatest pics, 'cause it was late last night...and now in hindsight maybe the light wasn't the best? It is lighter and it is red/auburn, even it still looks brownish in the pics. It's not way drastic and looks natural, so that's why I like it. Anyway, my wireless connection is giving me fits about uploading these pics on my they will have to wait until I get to the desktop. Such a pain! Can't wait to get our computer back!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Meghan, Brian and Lauren in New York. They are on their way home today, but I stole this one from Lauren's facebook:-) I guess it's not a close up...but can you see his scar? He's been very faithful with Mederma, and it's looking very good. It's still more noticeable a little closer up, but hopefully in another few months it will be even better.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Crazy Week Update

This week has been crazy! I don't think I even took any pictures at all :-( I was working all week, with at least a 30 min travel time each way. I had a sitter for the kids. Kenna had the flu on Mon & Tues (thankfully she only barfed at night and was pretty much ok during the day). I got a bad cold on Thurs. Sitter got the flu on Fri. Last night (Fri) I had my Stampin' Up party, and it was one that required quite a bit of prep work. It was a lot of fun and everyone made a great box!

Brian and Lauren also left on Friday for NY, Brian's Grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer recently (about 2 weeks ago), and it's very aggressive and she isn't doing very well, so they went up to spend some time with her and the family. Unfortunately the kids can't handle two 9 hr trips in 3 days (plus 2 hr trips to visit Grandma), so we stayed back this time. We'd like to go up when we have a little longer to relax before we hop in the car again, for Mommy's sanity. There comes a point in the trip where I become some kind of court jester, performing every song and puppet show I know. My kids just don't sleep well in the car:-/

I promise to do better this week! It seems like life all the sudden got too fast for me! I am doing an accontability diet challenge, and this week did not do any exercising at all. Shameful! Tonight I am going to a hockey game...we have an AHL team here, and it's a youth event, and sadly Brian is missing it. He was bummed about that, because this was HIS event. I sure hope it doesn't fall to me to explain the rules to everyone. I might be from Canada, but hey, I am a girl. I don't know all the particulars, only the main stuff!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Balentimes!

Last night Brian and I attended a Valentines banquet at our church, which was wonderful. we had a sitter (Meaghan) come and babysit the kids, and she brought donuts! Brooks had one for snack, all too happily. Unfortunately he sucked all the sprinkles and icing off and discarded the now-disgusting donut. So sad. It was a Krispy Kreme!

Licking off his sprinkles:-)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Box Buddies

"Brooks! Get out and push me!" Spoken like a true big sister.

And these are not boxes from dishes I own...we got some hand-me-down things in them. They are cool though, aren't they!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Best Friends!

It's Kenna and her "bes frien", Drew. This was taken while we were away at the Youth Retreat and Kenna stayed with Drew and his family.

My 25 things

This is a survey-thing that has been going around facebook like crazy, I finally gave in last week and filled it out. I just thought I would post it here because a lot of family etc don't have facebook. I don't know how random this is, really, I wrote it with the fb crew in mind, and most of them don't know me as well as family does...but you might learn something never know....Here is the copy & paste!

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things (facts, habits, or goals) about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. Make sure to tag the person who tagged you.

1. I am not scared of flying, but every time I do, I do wonder if it’s my last day on earth.
2. My favourite name of all time is Shaughnessy (for a girl)
3. I was once in a pageant, and won. I was 22, so it was slightly embarrassing, but mostly loads of fun. – Not a beauty pageant…for a big Fair…I think they were impressed with my mad agricultural knowledge. They showed me a flax seed and I said it was wheat. Not kidding.
4. I really love country music and only tolerate everything else.
5. I was 23 years old before I wore a spaghetti strap dress for the first time. I was never allowed. I was not allowed to wear the aforementioned dress either, but I did anyway. Sorry Mom.
6. Growing up, we had a homemade ferris wheel in our backyard. I don’t think many people can say that!
7. I absolutely love being home. When I am old I think I will take up being a recluse hermit.
8. I have very little patience for incompetence. Even when it’s my own.
9. I cannot “do” hair.
10. I love makeup and have done 5 weddings/brides faces.
11. I cannot understand how my house goes from immaculate to disaster in less than an hour.
12. I used to bite my nails until I was 22. Then I stopped and had the most gorgeous long nails. Then when I was 27 I had kids and kept scratching them. Moral of the story is, I had pretty hands for 5 years.
13. I have always wished I was born in London England in the late 1800’s. As long as I was not poor. And my house looks like Darcy’s Pemberly.
14. I am not very naturally creative. I need lots of inspiration.
15. I love my maiden name.
16. No one can make me more happy or more frustrated than my kids.
17. Communication is not one of my fortes, as I am usually too scared of hurting anyone to say what I really think.
18. I am very grateful that I was born in Canada. It makes me sad that my kids will not experience growing up there.
19. I wish I’d not stopped playing the guitar.
20. I’d love to travel to Europe with my husband…and kids if we can afford to bring them.
21. I talk to myself out loud.
22. There is not one aspect of laundry that is enjoyable to me.
23. I love good food. LOVE. Very little self control when it comes to good food.
24. My husband is the only person I’ve ever kissed.
25. I love summer and pleasant weather. Nothing gets me feeling frazzled like having to go out in the rain or snow.

Kids Updates

Well, the kids are doing quite well. Kenna gives me enough material to update my "Kids Kwotes & Kwips" daily, if not hourly. The other day she demanded Brooks bring her "dulce-mer"...he comes in dragging a half of a curtain rod. I asked her, what did she call it? She turns to me and says it really deliberately, like I'm the one that's slow and just doesn't get it "ham-mer dulce-mer". I totally cracked up. She told me she learned about it on Jack's (Big Music Show). Thank goodness for educational tv I suppose. She has a memory that astounds me, and vocabulary that is almost beyond me sometimes. A very funny little girl. She loves to do "stapping" (stamping) with me, and loves an official school time. She is very interested in everyones names, and their relationships to each other and to us. So Daddy is my "hus-bin", or my "cousin", depending on her tired level (I guess they sound similar?) Yesterday we had a mommy/daughter day, going to Costco and getting new tires - alas THAT should have been a father/son thing, but the membership is only in my name. Phooey. Anyway, we spend over an hour browsing the store, sharing a "smoovie" (smoothie) and collecting "saples" (samples). She's very thoughtful...she would ask 'the lady' every time if she could take one for her Brooksie too. Each time I pointed out it would melt, or we have to save some for the other people etc. And she would say "oh, but he would love it!". Those two have such a bond, I think it's so great.
She is getting into imaginary play, and has a game called Camping Style, which appears to have nothing to do with camping. She also has amazing pretend phone conversations. She loves to sit with me when I'm on facebook. She calls all the profile pictures "customers"..."Mom, Mom, can we look at that customer please?" Very funny girl.

Riding bikes is a favourite passtime now. Kenna has learned how to pedal! Brooks tries but still can't get it, so he has the baby bike, which really does seem to bother him, he wants to be big.

Brooks is a BOY! He talks about football, baseball, soccer and hockey, constantly. Lame-o Canadian mother that I am, I let him using a bamboo kitchen spoon as a hockey stick, since we don't have any little ones (he is getting them for his birthday!). He has very decent hand-eye co-ordination for his age. I don't know how exceptional it is, but for sure it's average at the very least. Starting in March both Kenna and Brooks will be enrolled in their first official 'sport'...Tumbling class! It's gymnastics for tots, basically. I can't wait, I think they will have so much fun. He adores giving high-5's..and does so to the point of mom's annoyance. When I refuse to continue this 'very fun' game. He gives himself high-5's...which is really like very slow clapping, and him saying "yessss!" If you don't know what he's doing he looks like a slow kid congratulating himself on being able to clap his hands without missing. He is talking quite well, and says almost everything with only the need for a little interpretation. He can say his R's at the beginning of a word, but not the end. He is taking on his sisters flair for drama, recently (for no apparent reason) he will say, "I sad" and lay his head on the couch. This is usually met with a fairly minimal response from Mom of "oh" or "hmm, why are you sad". He then drops to his knees and hangs his head "I sad", then he lays on the floor "I sad", and pretend cries. Hopefully a short-lived phase. On Thanksgiving we (regrettably) watched the short-film on Wall-E about the magician and the rabbit. He was literally shaking in fear, so we shut it off and have not seen it since, much to Sisters dismay. In any (every) moment of boredom, he says in his saddest voice, "I gary rab-bat Mom" (scary). I have no idea why he isn't scared of the "Man Man Ban" (One Man Band) on Cars, which to me is kinda spooky. But it's that little scary rabbit that cannot escape his mind. He is a very good little singer, and can really hold his own with following a tune. He loves "That's How You Know" from the movie Enchanted and sings it all the time, much to Daddy's disappointment:-) Brooks is coming up on two years old, and has never had a prescription! I'm amazed that none of his colds have turned into ear infections or whatnot. He's a roughneck, yet a huge complainer/whiner...we are loving seeing his little personality develop (minus the whining:-).

That's all for now, I just sort of realized I hadn't put anything substantial about them on here recently, so I thought I should update!


Well, we've had some crazy times around here! Our desktop computer went kaput (harddrive), thankfully I had backed up all pictures except about a months worth which were still on the camera, (and posted to the blog!), so that was a huge blessing. The laptop is fine, but I usually have difficulties with blogger and my router when uploading pics. Long story. Anyway, we have an ancient iMac we pulled out of the closet, and it still works great. We should have our computer back with a new harddrive this week.

In other news, I am done with babysitting Jack until after his Mommy passes the bar and potentially finds we'll see...that's more a long range thing as she is hoping to take the summer off etc, so the kids will miss him terribly (and his bikes - they play music and ours don't). They also love Traxie, Jack's Boston Terrier, so he will be missed as well.

Starting this Tuesday, I have a sitter for a week or two (what a switch!), I am actually getting my former bookkeeping job back, and will be working entirely from home in the evenings/naptime. It's been almost 2 years since I left though, so a lot has changed and I need to go back in and re-train for how they do things now. I will be doing payroll, taxes and receivables/payables...just the bookkeeping duties, they are keeping a secretary in the office to deal with customers and bill collection etc, so it seems it will be an ideal fit for me. I'm looking forward to the training and seeing how it will all work out.

Brian's scar is healing nicely, thanks to Mederma. I need to take a picture to's looking a lot better than we ever thought it would. Other than all this, it's just busy as usual. Always too many places to be and too little time, but we're having a great 2009 so far!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bath Hair

This is from last Wednesday I think. Right after baths!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

To teenagers everywhere, it's official, I'm old

Yesterday evening I was planning to go on a "real" (no kids!) date with Brian to dinner and a movie for my birthday. Little did I know the night had other plans! We were dropping our kids off at our friends house to be babysat, and SURPRISE! I had such a fun time! I will have to post a picture of the cake my friend Sarah made, it was gorgeous! (I think someone got a pic of it - I of course did not bring my camera as I was not expecting this, and Brian didn't think to sneak it along) I guess the invites were black & white, and the plates & napkins were too, and she matched it all with a cake shaped like a present, all black and white, it was very beautiful (and tasty!).

Anyway, big kudos to Brian and Lauren for pulling it all off, and to Ben & Lori for hosting us all in their amazing house! I always have a blast hanging out with everyone, so it was a fun and memorable time.