Monday, November 26, 2007


We made it through the weekend, with only a couple things temporarily finding a home.

But I have to post this picture too, as I just finished getting out the Christmas decorations and starting to set them up. We don't have a hearth or anywhere else to hang the stockings, so we improvise. I think it looks ok though:-) We are getting a real tree on December 2nd, unless it's scrawny, then I will put up my fake one again. I can't wait though, because then our Christmas decor will be complete!

Friday, November 23, 2007


This pj top says Daddy's Little Grrrl. It reminds me of Maryn, who Dad used to call his Grrrr, 'cause she was such a scruffy tomboy. Kenna is following in her footsteps with the scruffy part, we'll have to see about the tomboy part!

Snack time

Both Kenna and Natalie slept a loooong time today. I guess yesterday just wore them out! Here they are enjoying their afternoon snack...pumpkin bread and cheese. Yumm!

My Resolution

Ok, it's a little early for new years resolutions, but here I am making one anyway. As I was cleaning today I was frustrated with my 'catch all' organ. It's right by the door and just seems to collect things that don't have a place to go. I was thinking of all the people I wouldn't want to see it this way, and I had a thought for my own accountability...we'll call it embarrassment therapy, since some of those people do, or might possibly view this blog from time to time. I'll post a picture of it every few days, and hopefully that will motivate me to keep on top of it and keep it in 'ideal' condition. Once I'm cured in this area, perhaps my laundry folding pile will the next to get some "therapy"!
BEFORE - The organ about 30 minutes ago

AFTER - This is the condition I would like to keep it in! (ok, I need to dust it:-)

Happy American Thanksgiving!

We had a nice day. Kenna and I got up and made waffles for breakfast, then Brian went to work for a few hours, and I started in with making the turkey, swedish potatoes, and cranberry sauce (I can open a can with the best of 'em!) We did a combined deal with our friends Josh & Mel, and Lauren, and few other singles. Everyone brought a few parts to the meal, and of course we had WAY too much food. Dessert was awesome and I only had one helping (Josh made something called Butterfinger Delight). It was extremely hot yesterday, (like almost 80 I think!) so that sort of ruined our plans for hot cider and stuff, since we had to have the a/c on and weren't in the mood for anything hot. Oh well. We had a fun time playing Imaginiff to end the night. Then we came home and watched Spiderman 3 until after midnight. I actually fell asleep about 15 mins from the end, so I had to watch it this morning. Kenna said it was "carrrrey". These are pics of the boy from yesterday, who is just too cute for words!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Dinner was very yummy. We had lasagna with really nice garlic bread, the kind where the garlic chunks are baked into the bread. And chocolate milk (with a straw) for dessert. Can't get much better, at least that's what Kenna thinks!

Her concentrating face. Trying to thread the straw into the spoon.

Thank goodness for spray & wash!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

'Lil Pro

It's still a little big for the boy, but it works. It's his first time to wear it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sure Sure Sure - Video

Singing her songs - Video

These videos are from the last month or so, I finally got around to putting them on youtube. Here she is singing Yes Jesus Loves Meeeeeeeeeee

And here's My God Is So Big!

Family & Friends Names - Video

Here's Kenna saying a few names of our family and friends. Of course, Nessa is the easiest, and Lainie and Jay Jay are doubles as she also has friends with those names!

Potty Training

Kenna has started potty training. Usually she tells me after she's gone, but at least she's starting to get it. So we sit on the potty anyway, just in case something happens!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hockey Night in Canada

Because we buy the hockey package, we get to see the games broadcast from where they take place, so we are lucky to get to watch Hockey Night in Canada. I love the theme music! I also love all the Canadian commercials, a small taste of home. Tonight the Leafs play the Rangers, so it's a game not to be missed in our house! Here's Daddy and his girl, talking hockey.


Someone is playing pretend today!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Some Family in Ontario

Here's a few pics of my gorgeous extended family!

The pretty girls - Sister in law, Liana, Cousins, Tatum & Keeley and my Aunt, Caralyn

Tatum, Teegan, Liana & Keeley.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Oh Thank Heaven

For...Eleven, Seven! Happy 17th Logan!

(ok, his birthday was yesterday but I only thought of the 7-11 thing today. Sorry!)

New Playhouse!

Kenna was given this playhouse by some friends of ours whose kids have outgrown it. Needless to say, she is in love with it and has been out there all morning. (I just set it up today!)

Boo! I see you!


I set it up on the back porch for now, I might put it in the yard later, but this is closer for now, so I can keep an eye on her.

We will be on the lookout for thrift store play dishes for her new kitchen!


Today I went to play tennis with a friend, this was Kenna waiting for her to arrive. It wasn't that cold today, but it was a bit windy and considering the ear infection, she's all decked out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Best Friends

This morning while I was getting them ready, Kenna was having a blast entertaining and sharing with her "Boo-ey". He was loving every minute of it too!

Monday, November 5, 2007


This is what happens when you go to bed with wet hair. He woke up right on time for his bedtime snack!

Tubby Fun

Well, I couldn't get him to look up for anything. I was trying all sorts of sounds and motions but nothing worked. In any case they both love their bath time, and now that Brooks is a bit older (with such a strong kick!) both Kenna and I end up soaked from all the splashing. Funny (as in weird) thing...Kenna really dislikes bath toys. She clears them all out and puts them in the basket. I get out a few for Brooks and she rounds them all up and gets them out of the water again. Only under threat of punishment will she allow a few toys floating around for her brother to play with. The moment he is out, she has them all away so she can resume her "swimming". Very hilarious! She "swims" on her tummy while flailing her arms and legs and sticking her face in the water.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Copy Cat

I guess it's a little early for a Christmas Dress, but she was given this one last year, and she is just about to outgrow it, so I wanted to make sure she got to wear it at least once. It's so gorgeous! I wanted to get a nice pretty shot by the tree out front, and I would set her up nicely, and then crouch down to get on her level. She seemed to think this was what she was supposed to do too. Then I got her all set up again leaning on the tree, and she fell down, and that was the end of the happy times. Brian had already left for church, so I guess we will have to try another time when I have some reinforcements.

I snapped the picture just as she fell. It was fairly devastating, according to the amount of weeping and wailing.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cute as a bug

Taken October 30th, I just love that smile!

Tonight, watching hockey with Dad. Goofy face and all.

Trying to crawl!

"Mom, quit looking at me, this is really hard!"

My handsome 'lil man. Looks like I should get under that couch and find all the lost toys!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Little Party Girl

Here's Kenna at a little friends birthday party a few weeks ago. They bobbed for apples and Kenna loved that...mostly she loved the pool, and actually climbed in clothes and all while no one was looking for about 2 seconds. She moves fast!

This is my friend Janet's little girl, Elizabeth. She is now 2 years old!