Keep in mind Lauren's blog posts were about maternity fashion - *I* am not pregnant, I was just writing to hit her target audience...
Makeup and fashion DO go hand in hand. Go out in public with your very best look on, and don't do anything to your face. Not a whole lot of people will be looking at your "awesome clothes", they'll be staring at your "messy face". Go out with a great face and smile on, (good hair helps) and you can pull off an outfit that's not quite "up to snuff", guaranteed. Wearing makeup, even if just a little to even out your skin tone is an essential for every woman on the planet. It will pull your look together and give you a "complete package" look. No matter how pretty you are, and how many great natural features you've been blessed with, you will be nothing but helped with the addition of a little "magic".
Makeup will also go a long way to making you feel good, and pretty. This is especially helpful when you are
When I was feeling icky - which while preggers (for me), was all the time - Nothing makes you feel better than looking in the mirror and being happy with what you see there. At least on the outside no one can tell that you feel so crummy on the inside. That's a big advantage for a pregnant woman on the go! And if you're not pregnant - it pretty much does the same thing! It's oddly, a complete mood booster, I've found.
DISCLAIMER - I am a makeup lover, and avid wearer, not a makeup professional. This post is very long. Sorry! I could definitely write about makeup everyday for 100 days and not run out of things to say:-)
I'm going to go over some tips that should help people who wear makeup everyday and people who never do. There should be a gem in here somewhere that can help ya! least I hope so! ;-)
TIP #1: The first tip is that there ARE NO TIPS that will universally apply to everyone. Is is why there are makeup and fashion magazines published every month all with "tips" that will work for you. And chances are they will not. There are unending possibilities here, and it starts with you being familiar with your face. Look and assess what you've got to work with. Problem skin? Small eyes? Take a look at your face and figure out what needs improving or hiding or highlighting.
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ok, words. haha! |
ADMISSION: I never wash my face. I never wash the makup off, I go to bed in it. I put new make up on top of old. When I shower (which is every other day), I make sure I rub my eyelashes and get the mascara off. I do not use soap, moisturizer or face or eye creams. I have used them sometimes in the past. Something from Clinique, or Avon, or Nutrogena - but I've never noticed a difference or improvement in the quality or feeling of my skin, so I don't bother. Maybe as I age that will become a necessary change. For now I am riding the "easy wave" while I've got it.
BONUS TIP: Hair - while this is a whole other topic, and one I am NOT in any way qualified to be talking about - I will share something that saves the day sometimes. Dry shampoo. It comes in a spray bottle like hair spray. You spray it in your dirty oily hair, and it absorbs the oil, and actually gives your hair its just-washed-bounce back. For busy moms, keep a bottle in the cupboard. There are some days when being presentable is a must, and taking a shower and doing your hair just ain't gonna happen.
So going along with Tip #1, know your face. Expensive creams and soaps are not for everyone, although may be helpful to others. Don't use them and waste money on stuff you don't actually need if it's not genuinely working for you.
Tip #2: Focus on your problem areas. Collect tips and try ideas only about the things that will matter to you.
Tip #3: Use a quality makeup. A Dollar Store variety will not turn out well, nor be good for your skin, no matter what you do to it or how you apply it. Quality makeup is not cheap, but does last a loooong time. I am personally hooked on the brand, MAC. I got hooked on them in my late teens and have never looked back. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?! There are other high quality brands that you can consider. Go to makeup counters and have them put a few things on you. See if you like the weight and feel of it all on your face. If not, find something that suits you better.
The following tips will give you a 5 minute face. I can spend 20 minutes doing up my eyes just so - but those occasions are rare. 5 minutes is all you really need, once you get the groove and know what you're doing.
Here is me, fixing my issues. I am using MAC Studio Fix Fluid Spf 15 in NC20. I used the amount pictured above to apply under my eyes, on eyelids, on nose and all surrounding nose area, and on lips and chin just a little. Blend in well, feathering outward. I personally do not need any on my cheeks, but put it where ever you need to even out skin tone.
Here is a little "more" in my problem areas. Studio Finish Concealer (NC20) and Studio Fix NC20 (a powder foundation). Under my eyes is the concealer, and the powder is in all the other spots.
TIP #5: You can make your nose look...well, smaller, by properly highlighting it. I'm not sure that it works so well translated on film. Pictures are unforgiving. And for the record, they DO add 10 lbs. I can see at least 4 of those 10 lbs right there in my cheeks:-) ANYWAY, go online or look in some mags and get some tips for contouring your nose, properly. There will be many ways to do this, depending on the shape of your nose. You can add visual depth (a higher bridge), or make it appear narrower, especially in person (unless you've got a film quality professional makeup artist at your disposal), if you play with it a little bit and follow the suggestions that you find.
TIP #6: Wear eyeshadow. Whether you have deep set eyes, small eyes, big eyes...everyone needs to wear eyeshadow. You don't need to wear a lot of it. But you do need something. Even if it's not "noticeable" it gives your face that pulled together look that you want. Depending on your eye "issue", will depend on what colours you can choose. Again, depending on your eye shape will depend on WHERE you place the shadow(s). A general rule which should work for most people is this:
A light (and possibly slightly shimmery) shade over the entire eye lid. Then add a darker shade (a muted purple, muted blue or brown works for most) on the lower portion only, and the outer side only.
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I am wearing MAC Issue, which is a matte silver, and Sable which is a frost (slight shimmer) dark brown. |
Everything I use all the time fits in this makeup bag, but within ziploc sandwich bags. This is how it looked this morning. The bags are getting a little grungy... |
TIP #9: Lip stick, or gloss, or whatever you like the feel of. Line your lips if you want to, or need to. After applying your lipstick, stick your thumb in your mouth like a thumb-sucking baby, when you pull it out it will have on it all the lipstick or gloss that would have stuck to your teeth. In above pic, I am wearing MAC Spice lip liner, and Blankety lipstick
TIP #10: Go bold! Easily change your look from mom-at-home to date-night with a couple things...add a little shimmer, or add a little colour! Just on top of what you already have on! In below pic I added MAC Twig lipstick, a great shade of browny-red. Another chic look is to go with a glossy nude lip (combined with a dramatic eye).
And I added MAC Crushed metallic pigment in Butterfly Party, Desert Cloud. It's 2 colours, a purply blue and then a greeny turquoise.
back together again using rubbing alcohol! Click the link to see how-to.
thanks for all the pointers! It is so funny how different every face, while I have to wash my face every day, am allergic to mascara, and am medically required to use disposable qtips/cotton balls that i can only use on one eye at a time...I love learning from other people what they do! Thanks so much for the taking the time. I really like the "dramatic" eye color....I have brown eyes, do you think that would work on me??
ReplyDelete(And I totally have no judgement on eyebrows!)
This is beyond great! I'm so sorry for not getting back to you, but I'm glad you got to put this out there! I'm linking to it in my wrap-up today!