Monday, August 22, 2011

President Kennedy

Well, perhaps the President that I know most about (and like the best!) is President Kennedy. Of course he was a very popular President. Perhaps if I were a Hoover, I would be more interested in another man. But John Kennedy's life, presidency and death holds a special allure for me. Note that I am not one of those Kennedy's. Anyway, knowing almost nothing about any other president, aside from the two I have heard about in the media since I've lived here (Bush & Obama), I have read books, watched movies, history documentaries, conspiracy theories...the whole sh'bang. He is buried at Arlington, and we visited his grave.

A portion of one of his famous speeches

Another part of the speech

His grave: John Fitzgerald Kennedy

His 2nd son - the only baby in the history of the nation to ever be born to a President during his Presidency:
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
August 7 1963 - August 9 1963

His first child, Arabella was still born:
August 23 1956

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis

Robert Francis Kennedy
I was curious as to where JFK Jr was buried, since he was not with his family. I am not sure as to the protocols there, however a google search back at the hotel showed that he was cremated, and his ashes spread out to sea. I thought he would at least have a memorial stone with his family, but apparently not.

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