Picture catch up! We had Christmas, a few days after Christmas we got a visit from Brian's parents, who were traveling for a job interview (and got the job - it's in NJ!), so that was a nice time! I must confess I have not taken many pics over the last week:-(
Playing with their remote control cars! |
We're Easy Bake'in!! |
A pic by Kenna, "It's a mass of birds!", as Grey always says |
A pic by Kenna. Someone is very proud of his new shirt |
Kenna: Ma, what does L-K-L-E-L-N-L-N-L-A spell? - Haha!! So much for me trying to be fancy:-) |
This is not Ardyn...the hair would fool you though! This is Kelyn, she and Grey were born at the same hospital about 12 or so hours apart (she's older). We babysat her one day so her mom (of Joy Hallock photography) could get some painting done! |
Christmas and Me are through! :-) We've had this tree since 2004 I think...I worked at Linens and Things, and someone returned it saying the lights didn't work. Normally a $150 tree, I bought for $40...and the lights DID work!! We love this tree and the money its saved us over the years. What we don't love, is the fact that we have never never ever been able to get it back in the box. Grrr. Anyway, yesterday the kids and I got Christmas stuff all packed up until next time. |
Some of our good friends down the road have taken to keeping chickens in their yard. Which, as you all know me, means I am no longer able to go in their yard:-D But what we do love is the EGGS they give us! All natural, fresh, VERY tasty and wonderful! And we love that one of the chickens always lays blue eggs:-) |
Brian plays World of Tanks (the free version), online. Brooks convinced him to get his own account, so now we have Brian who plays with the screen name "Death Lives", and Brooks who plays with the screen name "Little Death". I roll my eyes. I did not endorse that screen name. |
Sometimes, you need 1 person to steer and one person to shoot. It's a father/son gaming team;-) |
We visited our good friends, the Allen's in Richmond for New Years, and that was really really fun! So good to get away and do...nothing:-) Back home, back to work for everyone, and...although I miss sleeping in, I can't say I mind it...I like my normal routine I guess!!
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