Friday, June 22, 2012

Family Theme

I've mentioned before our family theme...sons have a 2nd middle honour of a family member.

Baby Names - I am actually continuing on a tradition that my parents started, when baby #2, a boy, was born. Of many many grandchildren (10 at the time), he was the first grandson to bear the Kennedy name. This made my Grandpa, who was diagnosed with cancer, very happy. But his name was Harold Leslie. So naming someone after him was not really going to happen. So my parents came up with the 2nd middle name idea (which could be not mentioned, if it happened to cause embarrassment to child later on in life). I really liked the idea and continued it on with my own kids! Eventually, there would be 7 boys to carry on the Kennedy name, and of those 7, so far Brent now also has 2 sons, so Papie's fears about carrying on the family name were unnecessary:-)

Our Names:

Darla Janette
Brent Michael Harold (grandfather)
Jared Andrew David (father)
Lauryn Amanda
Davis Matthew Allan (grandfather)
Logan Braden Trevor (uncle)
Kaden Steven Gregory (uncle)
Janessa Marianne
Rebecca Jillaine
Lehman Jonathan Douglas (good family friend who passed away)
Maryn Elyse

I think this idea is very workable if you want to attach sentimental value to a childs name, without going all out and naming them something you dislike, just to be an honour to so-and-so. This way you get to choose your favourite names, and great-grandma still gets a namesake:-)

*Brent, Michael, Davis, Marianne, Rebecca and Lehman are also namesakes - named after family, or family surnames.

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