It's been a loooong time since we've all been to NY...especially all at the same time. The last time we went, with Brian, was 2009...Grey didn't exist. This summer I stopped through with the kids briefly. But this holiday season, everyone decided it would be nice to do the holidays "back home".
You can check out my instagram feed for some spur of the moment pics, I won't repost those here.
We car pooled with Dale & Lauren in our van, and that was fun. The kids traveled excellently, and we managed to avoid bad weather, and holiday traffic. Don't ask me how. It wasn't seeming likely, but somehow we did it!
It was very cold, but no snow! The kids, running around in the mountains. We enjoyed the cold on the whole. Other than some pesky details... our van didn't have anti-freeze in it (we have no need for it here), and our windshield washer fluid is not the no freeze type, so that was frozen solid. So we had temporary/fixable vehicle issues since it sat in the cold for a few days. Brrrr. |
He was very grossed out by the "chicken legs" and declared he wouldn't eat anything with legs on it. Then he wanted a picture...with the legs :-) |
Kenna & Auntie Meghan! Meg lives in MI now, and is doing Moody's online program while she waits to get into the actual school |
"The Farm" - We took the kids (and the spouses - only Dale & Jake's second time to NY) on a little tour of things. Brian showed us some of the houses they lived in, prior to building and living in their current post and beam home. Brian was counting it up - not counting the temporary moves to Indy and Chicago, he has moved NINETEEN times in his life. If you count those, it's 21 times!! That is a pretty impressive statistic:-) This is the house they lived in when Meghan was born. It's either called "The Farm" or "Surprise Result" (that is the odd name of the street its on). Anyway, Brian was born in the suburbs of NYC and his family kept moving gradually upstate. |
Lauren, Meghan, Ann |
Girls with the same last name:-) |
Kenna & Ann |
Random pic from the ladder |
Dale & Lauren |
Meghan (upside down) and Ann. They have matching haircuts! |
Grandpa and the grandkids |
Brian and his sisters |
The whole family! |
We had tons of fun, and even thought it was only a long weekend (not really that much time), it was relaxing and enjoyable. Lots of really good food too!
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