This years Christmas had a few funny moments...we'll get to those...:-)
Cousins exchange! We were very glad to be able to Skype with family far away. We've received a much-coveted Lalaloopsy Doll, and a Basketball |
Cute kid in his cute new Peterbilt hat! |
This might be known as the year that 7 Eleven saved Christmas! Christmas morning around 8:30, I started pulling things out of the cupboard in anticipation for all the cooking I would be doing that day. Only to discover...I forgot I gave ALL my canned green beans to the food bank. I mentally just *knew* I had them, and didn't buy more (or check the shelf, physically), until Christmas morning. ACK! What was I thinking? Cursing my luck, that I let the kids select the food to donate and...well...thank heaven for 7 Eleven!!! A quick trip to the corner 7/11, and 4 cans of Delmonte green beans later (for 1.99 per can! Yikes!) - I was just glad they were about the only place open, and that they had some in stock. They had exactly 4 cans, which is exactly what I needed. Crisis averted! We enjoyed a very delicious green bean casserole.
We also had a chocolate cheesecake and cannoli's! |
We enjoyed delightful presents from our family and loved ones. The kids gave their own gifts this year too, and had so much fun being a giver!
Grey got the motherload - CARS & TRUCKS |
I had a funny thing happen. I always give the same list to both people who have my name (on either side of the family) - just my general list of needs and wants to aid in shopping. Never had a problem before. This year, I included a "long shot" gift on there...a food processor, as my mini 10 year old one has recently broken. Well, wouldn't you know that BOTH people who had my name decided that was the gift to give! So now I have TWO big/normal sized food processors, lol! I will trade one out for another kitchenaid mixing bowl, I think. Haha!! Thank you to everyone for your generosity!!
We gave the kids this neat thing - make your own fort! This was the first design I came up with. More to follow, I think! (you put your own blanket over it:-) |
Rainboots and hats! |
It's not an American Girl doll, but a Madame Alexander doll, and it looks like Kenna! Kenna was delighted to see that she already owned red shoes, and similar clothes to the doll's. So she changed to match!
Kenna says, if she had a sister, it would look like this doll:-) |
Remote control car! |
Boxing Day! Enjoying Christmas Day leftovers, and reading Sherlock Holmes on our new family gift - a kindle! |
Reading a story on the kindle with Auntie Meghan |
Captain America shield from Uncle shoots darts too!! Here we have target practice:-) |
We bought Kenna an Easy Bake and cupcake maker on Craigslist for $20. Yay!! Stay tuned for "yummy" treats |
A nice day and meal was enjoyed by all! We were glad to talk to our families far away, and glad to spend Christmas also with Dale's parents. Merry Christmas everyone!
Looks like so much fun! We had to make a convenience store run for butter yesterday for a family dinner. It was $6 for two cups of butter! Ben's parents bought a crazy fort for Carter too. He is looooving it! Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day to you! <3