Monday, March 28, 2011


Well, just about the only question I ever get asked any more is: How do you do it? Of course none of the people that ask really care for the real answer which is waaaay too long, so I usually laugh it off. Wanna know how? Keep a good schedule and routine, but be very flexible! Also keep in mind, I am the oldest of 11 kinda takes a lot to phase me!

*this is a typical day - they don't get much more relaxing, but they can get much more crazy. This all depends on everyones health, moods, length of naps, and how many diapers I have to change:-)*

6:00am - Brian's alarm usually goes off around now, and it wakes up the kids who come into bed with me to snuggle/sleep.

7:15am - My alarm goes off and may or may not get snoozed several times. Get up, and get kids up and fed breakfast

7:45am - Sonny arrives, feed breakfast

8:00am - Jack and Ardyn arrive. General play time while we get Kenna, Brooks and Grey dressed.

8:45am - Sonny goes down for his first nap. Chances are Ardyn will be asleep now, and we let Grey wander/play while we start school

9:30am - Grey is ready for nap. Jack and Brooks generally get a little free time in there while I concentrate on more advanced school stuff with Kenna.

10:00am - Sonny wakes up, takes a bottle. Wanders/plays while we continue with school

10:30am - snack time and play time (outside if it's nice). Grey usually wakes around now.

10:30-11:30am - make any phone calls I need to, check emails, clean something, do laundry, etc, monitor all the kids and their play & activities. Ardyn wakes at some point for a bottle. Anything that I do chore-wise during this period, I get an assigned persons help on. We empty the dishwasher, sweep, bake, do laundry etc. They are great helpers and always want me to pick them.

11:45am - lunch for everyone except Ardyn:-) I keep it simple, pb & j's, pancakes, eggs, grilled cheese, mac & cheese, soup, cheese quesadillas etc. Baby carrots, celery, Fruit and Apple juice are also standards. Sonny & Grey still eat a combo of baby food and real food.

12:30pm - Naps! Sonny, Jack, Kenna & Brooks go to bed. Sometimes Grey is ready, sometimes not until 1. Ardyn and I hang out (she is usually sleeping at this point).

12:30 - 3pm - FREEDOM! Other than Ardyn-interruptions (she's still so little, so we just go with the flow with her), I have a little "free time". I craft and prepare for my Stampin' Up classes. I clean productively as there is no one to make a mess behind me. I blog, I facebook, I email, I run, I shower, I do my bookkeeping work. I kinda do whatever I want! It's my sanity every day!

2:30 - 3pm - Kenna usually does not sleep but has reading/quiet play in her bedroom time while the other kids are down. Sometimes I let her get up early and come craft with me, or help me do whatever.

3:00pm - Jack wakes up and gets picked up. Kenna and Brooks get up and we do art, experiments, etc. Ardyn gets another bottle.

4:00pm - Sonny and Grey wake up and get a bottle each. We just have random learning/play/tv/movie time at this point while I start to prepare dinner

4:45-5:00pm - Sonny and Ardyn get picked up. Dinner is on. If we need anything at the store before the next day, we leave immediately and head out to shop quickly for said items (I do my big-time shop every Saturday morning).

5:30 - 6:00pm - Brian comes home (unless he has side jobs going on), and we eat dinner.

7:00pm - Bed time!

7:00-11:00pm - tv, chores, cleaning, bookkeeping work, etc. Whatever needs doing that I didn't have a chance to do during the day!

It's a crazy life! It's really a little more in depth than I am portraying here, but you can get the general idea. With 6 kids 5 and under (for 2 weeks, it was 4 and under!!)...My house is not very big, so we have everything figured out (who sleeps in what room with who) to a science. It's also always pretty messy with toys, forts, etc etc etc. all over the place. Oh well. I can live with it.

A have a few little things that help keep me sane during the craziest parts of the day like music on that I love, coffee with my fave creamers...and sending the older ones outside to the trampoline! haha:-).

Here it is at 12:47, all 5 kids are in bed and silent, and Ardyn is starting to doze off here in the livingroom with me. Sweet. I did 5 loads of laundry this morning. Now I have to fold them. *Joy*. I need to find my now-cold cup of Earl Grey tea. I made it with honey to be healthier, but then I ate a rice krispie square. Then the laundry. Then that paperwork I need to get in the mail. Then more prep for our taxes. Then the little people will be up... :-)


  1. I care! And good point about being the oldest of 11.

    PS - I figured out how you do it - naptimes! Oh how I long for those days when everyone napped....sigh..

  2. yes, I am ALL about the naptime. It's the only way this works for me. I plan to continue naps/quiet time in your room until they move out. :-D...Kenna almost never sleeps unless she's sick, and Brooks only naps some of the time too, but they read or lay quietly on their beds. Bliss.

  3. thanks for this!!! i love learning how other people do life. :)

  4. I totally CARE too! I'm reading this with a smile on my face. The life of a stay at home, homeschooling mom-never a dull moment. You do it all so well, You inspire me! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nap time evolved into DEAR time in our house. Drop Everything And Read. And I hung onto this until they moved out! LOL Darla has learned well! ;)

  6. Naturally,I learned from the best! Who can wrangle a boat load of kids better than us?...well, maybe lots of people, but they don't own this blog, *I* do, mwahahah! Naps, DEAR time, quiet long as they are silent it's working for me!
