on a jet plane! Or 4 of them...:-) I'll be absent for at least a few days, as I travel to Alberta to witness my brother Logan marry his best friend, Kari! I'm taking Grey-Grey with me, so prayers would be appreciated. It's a long haul out there (14+ hours of traveling with all the flights and layovers!), and I'm hoping he's up for lots of sitting still and sleeping. Given his age and temperament...I believe I will be in for a "fun trip"! Can't wait to see the family though, and I guarantee you lots of pics upon my return. Internet can kind of be a hard thing to come by in the wilds of the Canadian prairies:-)...and I won't have much time there either, but I'll be home on Sunday night, and so I promise lots of pics and posts next week!
I have a good friend watching the other two (and all the extra kids are farmed out to their family members!). I told her not to believe everything they say about me, and I promise to do the same for her! :-) Those two little monkeys can be a funny handful!
Logan & Kari...the newest Kennedy family! Wedding 6/11/11 |
Congrats to them and Hope you are home safely by now!!