Here are a few pics of the fun we had! We were only there Friday and Saturday, so we had a lot to cram in!
Grey's first quad ride (with Davis & Danielle). He wasn't a huge fan. |
Grey loved Tessa & Piper (the dogs)
He loved his Grandpa. He loved sharing things, mouth to mouth, like a bird:-)
More Puppy Love! |
Maryn is his youngest Aunt! She was 10 when he was born...
Oldest and youngest of the Kennedy Klan. We are the only girls with blue eyes.
It's a self portrait of Maryn & Darla |
It's Vienna! The chubby monkey. She is absolutely adorable!
She loves me! |
btw in the shot of you and Maryn, your eyes look crazy blue! And I like the hair cut too, looks good!