Kenna is a very tough, daring and athletic little girl. She loves to talk about everything, constantly. She loves doing pre-k school work, and is left handed. She is very tender-hearted and thoughtful towards others. She has a memory like an elephant...she never forgets! She loves cute babies, playdates, soft things (blankets & stuffed animals) and hot chocolate!
Here are some things she says about herself, they are direct quotes
"What is your favourite...?"
Colour: Pink
Game: Cards
Movie: Monsters Inc. A-corporated
Song: Sweet Jesus (by Selah)
Thing to do: Playing baby dolls, cause I'm the big girl and I'm going to school
Thing about School: Reading letters
Stuffed animal: my tubby-tubbies (teletubbies)
Animal: giraffe
Food: de'sgetti's (spaghetti)
Drink: Chocolate milk
What do you want for your birthday: a "Darby" cake (Barbie cake)
Best Friend: I like Libby
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