Memorial Day Weekend! We had a lot of fun! Three day weekends are always a treat, although it was a busy one. Saturday had us doing baseball, a baby shower, and then deck layout at Dale & Lauren's (lots of stakes and strings!), and a little post hole digging.
On the way home from baseball on Sat, we drove past a yard sale in our neighbourhood. It looked like they had a few nice bikes for sale, so we stopped. A perfect bike for Kenna - a 21 speed in excellent condition - for $10. SOLD! Kenna got to ride the bike home all by herself, since we were driving:-) Needless to say, she's been loving it! I'm still on the lookout for "new" bikes for Brooks and Grey, I intend to use my Cookies/Cupcakes profits for extras like new bikes (all of theirs are too small for them). A few more yard sales and YAY, that would save me from buying new:-)
On Sunday, we had church, and then there was a church wide picnic afterwards. The weather was perfect, and we stayed until 3. Brian played a game of Ultimate Frisbee (a fave), he hasn't played in awhile, so that made his day. Then, he was given a few giftcards to the Outback restaurant from a subcontractor ('cause he always goes above and beyond:-), so we went there for dinner with friends, and then onto Rita's for dessert for gelato!
Monday was lawn-work, beach, dinner, BED!
Beach - kids with Chae |
Getting buried by Mr T |
When Dads care more about building castles than kids do... |
Rita's! The favourite flavour of the day was Swedish Fish |
Baseball - the season will be over next week! |
Some flower garden work! |
A good helper. His chosen outfit cracked me up |
He worked really hard |
Burn pile is doing good, Mom |
After spraying weeds, hoeing, removing all the rocks, getting rid of a bush, putting down mulch, and replacing all the rocks. It looks really tidy now! The shrub we got rid of is on the end of the porch - because it was weird looking and half dead, and also - we'd like to put stairs on that end of the porch too - since our front walkway floods really bad. Currently, when it's raining, you have to walk on those flat stones to get over to the steps, by adding a second staircase, we won't have to people to walk through the garden anymore:-) Adding stairs is easier and cheaper than tearing up the concrete walkway, leveling out the yard, and replacing the walkway. |
We planted some petunias in our mailbox garden - the strange (and dead) shrubby thing just had to go. At the base of the mailbox, we planted a dark burgundy plant in the front, and a climbing flowering vine on the back side. |
The flowers on the climbing vine |
Other side of front garden, coming up next! this is basically what the other side looked like before too! Amazing how much better it looks now! Thankful for a yard of free mulch from a landscaper friend, it's enough to do all our flower beds. On this side, I can plant some flowers...I can't really on the other side, since we have to walk through the garden when it rains (kids aren't super great about only stepping on stones) |
We planted some tomato plants! I need to get the wire thingys so they can grow properly, but excited for our own vegetables! |
Anyway, a fun and busy weekend for all! We slept in on Monday morning until 8:30, and that made us feel like kings!
Kenna learned how to do something new on Monday. She had a few belly flop landings before she learned to tuck better and land properly:-) Here's a belly flop!
Here is Grey just being Grey
The flower beds looked 100% better when we were there and worked on things. Now they look 200% better! :)