Coming up the aisle with my Dad. My 24 roses represented my age.

Saying our vows. My pastor, Doug Sargeant was officiating.

One of my faves

Cutting the cake!

Lehman and Maryn, my brother and sister, on a "test run" a few days before. Maryn was only 3 years old at the time! Our ringbearer pillow was actually a little teddy bear pillow with the rings tied on his heart.

A candid shot of only a small part of the wedding party!

My friend, Audra, my sister-in-law, Liana (at the time she was just my friend!), my childhood friend, Elizabeth, and two of my sisters, Lauryn and Maryn

Our "going away outfits" were hockey jersey, in our fave teams. We had BOLGER put on the backs, as well as 6 and 14 (the date). I think Brian is #6 and I am #14. It was fun! This is us leaving the church and spotting the 'mess' they made of my car!!

We honeymooned in Minden, Ontario. Because of immigration visa issues, I was not allowed to leave the country, so we had a semi-local honeymoon, and it was awesome. We ate practically every meal out on the dock.

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