I babysit a little boy (Jack - or Jack Jack to Brooks and Jacky Jacky Baby Boy to Kenna, she loves nicknames!) every day from about 9 - 3 or so. They just live a few blocks down the road from us, so it's very convenient. Today I took over some "take and bake" cookies to make for the weekend. It was a very big novelty to see the food cooking! "Look Ma! Dere's cookies in dere!" Our oven doesn't have a window (I don't know why? It came in the house when we bought it, it was brand new, but the cheap version I think, no self clean etc. Who cares, it works great!), so they got to oooh and aaah over that really cool discovery.

A very sleepy Kenna ready for naptime! Notice her new haircut, it's very layered now, it looks fuller, tangles less in the back, and is out of her face now. Mom's a fan!

Coming up to the camera to take a peek. I don't know how I ever coped growing up without being able to see myself on camera, instantly:-)
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