When I came outside with the camera, they both froze and grinned. They know what cameras are for, no doubt!
He loves having his picture taken, and always smiles so nicely. Quite a treat, when his sister is such a nut with the weird smiles.
Helping Mommy rake. He's such a trooper!
Her very favourite 'poison-berry' tree. She talks about it constantly. "Poison-berries are not for 'quirrels or kids, dey only for birds" I hear that little lecture once a day (if I'm lucky, if I'm not, I hear it about a hundred times)
Brooks is very good at throwing now. It always goes where he's aiming! He adores his soccer ball from Grandpa Kennedy.
He is also good at soccer. I am amazed at how he can run and kick the ball. He kicked this one all the way down the front path, which is pretty long for a little kid to have control of it, I think.
Kenna does "a-nacks-icks" (gymnastics, if you can't get that!) like she saw in the Beijing Olympics. One of her more impressive feats is walking the perimeter of the flower garden, balanced on the stone edge. Her other routines involve flailing around and then freezing with arms and legs poked out at weird angles (floor routine at it's finest), and jumping from the coffee table to the couch. She's a rare talent!!
Will and Jay love jumping from coffee table to couch.... little monkeys!