Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Hospitals

Brian had surgery today on the 5mm kidney was too big to pass, so they had to zap it with a laser to break it up. He had to go under, so we had to go in and pick him up and get his discharge instructions. Lucky thing I had Kenna with me to keep it all straight...

Kenna marches into the hospital and begins talking a mile a minute. "Oh, is that the doctor? What her name? What your name? What her name Mom?" The nurse answered I'm Susan, that was about all she could get it "oh, I'm Kenna Shea Bo-ger, I'm two, what you doing? Daddy is so so so...sick. He go to doctors for a checkup. He needs a checkup. Daddy needs a checkup." Ok, Kenna that's enough...lets let the nurse help Daddy...momentary silence. Always too short! Sometimes it's all anyone can do to get a word in edgewise. The nurse was quite enchanted with her and asked, is she always like this? Oh yes, if only she knew the half of it.


  1. lol...I hope she finds a mate that likes chatter! ;)

  2. Well like mother like daughter for sure LOL Makes me re-live the days when Darla was little. Question is...did her mother find a mate who lieks to chatter?

  3. Kenna's dialogues make me laugh every time, she sounds so adorable!

  4. Well, Beccy, to be honest, I think you found a mate that likes chatter about as much as my mate!
