It was a busy week last week, with 5 different parties to attend (all on different days, one was a kids birthday party though)! And of course youth group, so that really left no time at home at all! This Sunday Brian was announced as the interim youth pastor, but of course that needs to be voted on by the church members in about a month. So far we are really enjoying our time with the youth ministry, and Brian is learning lots from Pastor Dave. Fun stuff! Yesterday we spent 2 hours at the doctor's office as they were incredibly behind schedule. It was discovered that Kenna has an ear infection (with no fever!), which she was apparently beating on her own, but we now have medicine for that. And they both got shots. Ouch.

After coming home from Casey & Adam's engagement party, Brian set Kenna on the couch and she was out!

This was today in the car coming home from Costco. She got a free cookie and definitely made the most of it. She sort of looks sad here, but she wasn't...just trying to smile for Mommy!
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