We arrived in Alberta with no problems, aside from almost missing our connecting flight out of Edmonton. Some delays in Chicago made it a close call, and we were actually paged and they held the plane for us. I've never had that happen for me before! The kids slept on the long flight the entire time, and were angels on the 2 shorter flights, I was so encouraged that it will be possible to do alone...it's such a long day.
We are having a blast here, although there are a lot of mosquitoes, so we're a bit itchy. Otherwise it's wonderful. It really cools off more at night than I thought it would, so it makes the hot sunny days bearable because the house stays residually cool.
Brian left for home yesterday and was quite delayed in Calgary due to mechanical failures on the airplane. Because the Calgary stampede is going on there were no hotels in Calgary, so he was 'shipped off' to Toronto, and then headed home today. Crazy trip for him! I really hope nothing like that happens to me traveling home alone with 2 kids.
We had quite the house full...or yard full over the wedding. The house was full, and also there were 3 camper trailers (top of the line and gorgeous) as well as a tent trailer to accommodate all the guests from Ontario (and us). We had a great time with Uncle Howie, G & G Shantz, the Jermacans and Herzogs (and Krista), and the Belvederes. Between all of us we have hundreds of pictures that I can't wait to post. Unfortunately on dialup it's very slow. Next time we go to town I will bring the laptop and see if there are any wi-fi spots around town. Otherwise the majority will get done when I get home on the 22nd.
Kenna has done a remarkable job learning the names of everyone. She really knows who is who! Brooks has started talking and imitating sounds a bit more too, he's such a cutie. They sleep and nap really well due to all the excitement around here!
It's Davis and Brooks, at the park.
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